====== <#get_geoplaces> ====== Use this function to retrieve list of geo places according to a request ==== Parameters ==== Parameters are taken from tag (default) or from HTTP GET/Post ^ Name ^ Mandatory ^ Default ^ Description ^ | fields | No | geoplace.id
geoplace.translations[<#language>].label | The list of fields (separated by ";") you want to retrieve. The Name of the field must match the [[en:public:developer:template_system:tags:geoplace:TGeoPlace]] structure. ex: fields=**GeoPlace**.id; **Geoplace**.label; **GeoPlace**.translations[fra].label_ascii; **geoplace**.zip_codes | | GeoPlaceRequest.* | No | | The filter list that match the [[en:public:developer:template_system:tags:geoplace:TGeoPlaceRequest]] structure. Ex. **GeoPlaceRequest**.ID_parents[0]=FR **GeoPlaceRequest**.keywords=cannes | | output_format | No | REST | **JSON** to retrieve response in [[en:public:developer:template_system:tags:api:JSON_Response_Format|JSON Format]] or **REST** to retrieve in [[en:public:developer:template_system:tags:api:REST_Response_Format|REST Format]] | | jsoncallback | No | | Callback function to use in [[en:public:developer:template_system:tags:api:JSON_Response_Format|JSON Response Format]] | ==== Example ==== <#get_geoplaces output_format="json" geoplacerequest.id_parents[0]="XW" fields="geoplace.id;geoplace.havechilds;geoplace.label;geoplace.translations[rus].label;geoplace.translations[rus].propertylistings_url(1,1);geoplace.aggregated_data.properties_count(1,1)"> will output in **JSON** { "stat": "ok", "geoplaces": [ { "aggregated_data": { "properties_count": 278973 }, "havechilds": true, "id": 901, "label": "North and Central America", "translations": { "rus": { "label": "Северная и Центральная Америка", "propertylistings_url": "/for-sale/north-and-central-america/listings/" } } }, { "aggregated_data": { "properties_count": 876 }, "havechilds": true, "id": 902, "label": "South America", "translations": { "rus": { "label": "Южная Америка", "propertylistings_url": "/for-sale/south-america/listings/" } } }, { "aggregated_data": { "properties_count": 783322 }, "havechilds": true, "id": 903, "label": "Europe", "translations": { "rus": { "label": "Европа", "propertylistings_url": "/for-sale/europe/listings/" } } }, { "aggregated_data": { "properties_count": 41018 }, "havechilds": true, "id": 904, "label": "Asia", "translations": { "rus": { "label": "Азия", "propertylistings_url": "/for-sale/asia/listings/" } } }, { "aggregated_data": { "properties_count": 144 }, "havechilds": true, "id": 905, "label": "Oceania", "translations": { "rus": { "label": "Океания", "propertylistings_url": "/for-sale/oceania/listings/" } } }, { "aggregated_data": { "properties_count": 3848 }, "havechilds": true, "id": 906, "label": "Africa", "translations": { "rus": { "label": "Африка", "propertylistings_url": "/for-sale/africa/listings/" } } } ] }