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How to get the list of urls to translate

you can grab all the url that need to be translated from this url:

No word by word translation is required

When you translate, their is no obligation to translate word by word ! sometime the translation can not really feet the design or even the context, so you are free to write your own speech.

exemple: on the top bar ( we say properties but in french ( we translate it by annonces (listings)

In the bottom on the english version we have a contact-us button, but in deutch this is translated by Kontaktieren Sie uns that is a little long and not feet the design. here probably just Kontakt will be enalf ?

Meta title and meta description

Meta title and meta description (in page configuration section) must contain keywords for search engine (ie:google). so the translation can not be the mirror of the original text and you will probably need to write your own speech to add the perfect keywords in it

The url keyword

in the url resources section, the keyword you will choose for the url is very important and it's something we can not really change later (it's something like a set and forget option). so take a great care by choosing the keyword in the url

also: use ”-” to separate keyword in url not “_”, ex “about-us” not “aboutus” or “about_us”)

Keep in favorite 2 or 3 real estate portails

for exemple | for deutch. this can help you to know what the common word are used in real estate. exemple, in france we say annonces, in us we say listings, in uk properties