
This file (urlresources.txt) is located under the cfg directory and contain all the url definitions (like translations of each url for exemple). below the format of each items:


the URL_ID is an arbitrary name you gave to the item. If omitted then URL_ID = PAGE_ID
the PAGE_ID is the path found in the cfgpages. for exemple if in the cfgpages you have theses nodes :

  <page name='/'>
    <page name='about'>  
      <page name='careers'>  

that mean you have these 3 Page ID

  1. /
  2. /about/
  3. /about/careers/

then in the UrlResources.txt you would have these 3 items :

FRA = /
RUS = /
ENU = /
PTG = /
ESP = /
DEU = /

FRA = [/]a-propos/
RUS = [/]about/
ENU = [/]about/
PTG = [/]about/
ESP = [/]about/
DEU = [/]about/

FRA = [/about/]recrutement/
RUS = [/about/]careers/
ENU = [/about/]careers/
PTG = [/about/]careers
ESP = [/about/]careers/
DEU = [/about/]careers/

Note: The FRA = [/about/]recrutement/ will be converted to FRA = /a-propos/recrutement/

Another more detailed exemple:

FRA = /immobilier/entreprise/vente/
RUS = /real-estate/commercial/for-sale/
ENU = /real-estate/commercial/for-sale/

This instruct the engine that variable property_category = 2 (commercial) and transaction_type = 1 (for sale). these variables can be used later by the engine (or the templates) via <#UrlInfos> to define the default property category and/or the default transaction type. Also here the URL_ID = ComForSale so it's mean that to retrieve the link from the <#url> tag you must use ComForSale for the Url_ID

The header line ([URL_ID|PAGE_ID]<Param1=a><Param2=b>..<ParamN=z>) can contain special params that will instruct the engine on with exact version (mobile, secure, etc) of the website the definition is for :

Tag Definition
<#https> 1 if the url definitions is ONLY for HTTPS protocol.
0 if ONLY for http protocol.
If ommited URL definition is for both protocol.
EX: [BaseHref]<url_https=0>
<#mobile> 1 if the url definitions is ONLY for mobile version.
0 if ONLY for desktop version.
If ommited URL definition is for both version.
EX: [BaseHref]<mobile=1>

Each definition line (LANGUAGE_ID = URL_PATH) can contain some tags like for exemple :

Tag Definition
<#property_id> The Id of the property.
Ex: ENU = [/minisite/v1/]<#url_property_id>/
<#propertyRequest_id> Id of the property request.
Ex: ENU = [/alerts/]<#url_propertyRequest_id>/
<#contact_id> Id of the contact.
Ex: ENU = [/blogs/members/]<#url_contact_id>/

This file can contain also HTTP redirect mapping instructions. Ex

=>301 [/forums/f2/]
DEU = [/forums/]
ESP = [/forums/]
FRA = [/forums/]
PTG = [/forums/]
RUS = [/forums/]
ENU = [/forums/]

This instruct to redirect (Http 301 redirect) [/forums/] to [/forums/f2/]

Also this file must contain some const declarations like