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Return the object containing information related to the current url. These informations are extracted according to the urlresources rules


Name type Description
values Any Return the value of url related variables (see urlresources).
contact_id String Return the contact id extracted from the current url
property_id String Return the property id extracted from the current url
propertyrequest_id String Return the propertyrequest id extracted from the current url
pagenumber String Return the page number extracted from the current url
regex_groups TStringList Return the list of regex groups extracted from the current url
geoplace tgeoplace Return the Geoplace object related to the current url
Property_category String return the property category extracted from the current url
Property_type String Return the Property type extracted from the current url
Property_subtype String Return the Property subtype extracted from the current url
Transaction_type String Return the Transaction type extracted from the current url


Name Type Description
create String construct a Turlinfos object (named urlinfos) connected to the current url

You can also create a Turlinfos object (That will be named urlinfos) via a call to <#urlinfos>

en/public/developer/template_system/tags/url/turlinfos.txt · Last modified: 2014/02/21 15:33 by svanderclock