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TPromotions is an object used to store and manipulate a list of promotional boxes


Name Type Description
Items Array of TPromotion the list of all promotional boxes (TPromotion ) Note: Items is the default property of TPromotions objects. The items identifier can be omitted when accessing the Items property. For example, the following two lines of code are both acceptable and do the same thing:
* Promotions.Items[0]
* Promotions[0]
Count Integer The number of promotional boxes stored in Items
Name String The name of the space (Left, Top, Bottom, etc..)


Name Type Description
create String construct a TPromotions object

You can also create a TPromotions object (That will be named Promotions) via a call to <#promotions>



en/public/developer/template_system/tags/promotion/tpromotions.txt · Last modified: 2013/02/24 20:43 by admin