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You can use this tag to construct a TGeoplace object. This object provides an easy and fast way to retrieve, change and save the information connected with some geographical place or unit.


Name Mandatory Default Description
ID Yes Our internal ID of geoplace, used to load the information of geoplace defined by this ID.
VarName No geoplace The var name in with will be store the new created object
Template No If not empty then Parse this template with the new created TGeoplace object, return the result and free the object


<#{geoplace id="456111">      
     <h1><#geoplace.Label></h1><br />
     Number of listings (total): <><br />
     Number of listings (for sale): <['1']><br />
     Number of listings (for rent): <['2']><br />        

will output :

<h1>Cannes La Bocca</h1>
Number of listings (total): 145001<br />
Number of listings (for sale): 120034<br />
Number of listings (for rent): 765<br />
en/public/developer/template_system/tags/geoplace/tgeoplace/create.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/04 13:30 by svanderclock