You can use this tag to construct a TGeoplace object. This object provides an easy and fast way to retrieve, change and save the information connected with some geographical place or unit.
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
ID | Yes | Our internal ID of geoplace, used to load the information of geoplace defined by this ID. | |
VarName | No | geoplace | The var name in with will be store the new created object |
Template | No | If not empty then Parse this template with the new created TGeoplace object, return the result and free the object |
<#{geoplace id="456111"> <#{template> <h1><#geoplace.Label></h1><br /> Number of listings (total): <><br /> Number of listings (for sale): <['1']><br /> Number of listings (for rent): <['2']><br /> <#}template> <#}geoplace>
will output :
<h1>Cannes La Bocca</h1> Number of listings (total): 145001<br /> Number of listings (for sale): 120034<br /> Number of listings (for rent): 765<br />