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Object TGeoplace provides an easy and fast way to retrieve, change and save the data of some geographical place or unit.


Name Type Description
id integer ID of the geoplace.
id_local String External ID of the geoplace taken from external source where we get informations about this place.
label String Title of geoplace in original case, for example “Cannes La Bocca”
longitude float Longitude value of the geoplace.
latitude float Latitude value of the geoplace.
havechilds Boolean '1' if the geoplace has some childs else '0'.
ski_resort Tgeoplace_ski_resort ski resort informations.
aggregated_data Tgeoplace_aggregated_data aggregated data of the geoplace.
languages TArrayOfText The list of spoken languages in this geoplace. Available at country level mostly.
zip_codes TArrayOfText list of ZIP codes of the geoplace
breadcrumbs Tgeoplace_breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs of the geoplace. Ex France > Provence Alpes Côtes D'azur > alpes maritimes > cannes
parents Tgeoplace_parents list of parents of the geoplace
non_preferred_labels TArrayOfText list of non preferred labels of the geoplace
nationality_labels TListOfText Nationality title (ex: russian for russia) by language. Available only at country level.
translations Tgeoplace_translations Translation labels


Name Type parameters Description
country function:string ISO3166: Boolean = false The country in with the geoplace is
load function:integer ID: String
RaiseError: Boolean
load the Tgeoplace object from the database and return the error code (0 if ok)
load procedure ID: ansiString; load the Tgeoplace object from the database


Name Type parameters Description
create constructor:string ID: String
Varname: string = 'geoplace'
Template: string = ''
RaiseError: Boolean = true
Creates an instance of a TGeoplace object.

Create can be called in 3 differents way :

en/public/developer/template_system/tags/geoplace/tgeoplace.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/26 21:31 by svanderclock