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Parameter “base64encode” means that corresponding content (variable or result of function) will be converted to base64. Base64 is a way to encode the data with using of ASCII-characters like A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and some special characters like ”+” and ”/”.

It can be useful to encode binary data or some param to send it somewhere (for example, to add some data in URL).

NOTE: By default the resulting content will be parsed (all <#..> tags will be evaluated) before to apply this filter. You can control this behavior throught the parameter AnalyzeTagParams


Value Description
1 Means that value must be base64-encoded.
0 Means that value must be base64-decoded.


<#MyVar setValue="12345">
<#MyVar base64encode="1">


en/public/developer/template_system/tags/parameters/base64encode.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/28 16:50 by admin