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When we call a function like <#MyTag SetValue=“something”> then sometime instead of “something” we want to have <#MyTag SetValue=”<#MySomethingVar>”> and dependly of the function, the parameters (SetValue in our exemple) will be first analyzed (or not) before to call the function. This global parameter permit to control this behavior


Value Description
* or 1 Analyze all the params before to call the function
-* or 0 Forbid the function to analyze any params
FieldA;FieldB;-FieldC Analyze the parameter FieldA, FieldB before to call the function and forbid it to analyze the parameter FieldC
Result Analyze the result of a calling function (or var) before to pass it to any filter
-Result Forbid the Analyze of the result of a calling function (or var) before to pass it to any filter


  <#MyOtherVar setValue="123">
  <#MyVar setValue="<#MyOtherVar>" AnalyzeTagParams="-MyOtherVar">
  <#MyOtherVar setValue="456">
  <#MyVar setValue="<#MyOtherVar>" AnalyzeTagParams="*">  
  <#MyOtherVar setValue="789">

this will output


that will finally output

en/public/developer/template_system/tags/parameters/analyzetagparams.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/27 16:57 by admin