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Use this function to set the content of a template file. When “content” and “reverTo” are not present then a new file will be created


Parameters are taken from tag (default) or from HTTP GET/Post

Name Mandatory Default Description
filename Yes The filename (related to the root). Ex: /templates/maintemplates/maintemplate.html
content Yes The content of the file
revertTo No Restore content of the file to the given revision
output_format No REST JSON to retrieve response in JSON Format or REST to retrieve in REST Format
jsoncallback No Callback function to use in JSON Response Format

Error Codes

Code Description
1 Insufficient rights. You must be logged as an admin to see logs
103 File already exists
114 File not found
119 Wrong params


<#set_wwwfile_content filename="/templates/maintemplates/maintemplate.html" content="...">

will output in REST

 <rsp stat="ok"></rsp>

And in JSON

en/public/developer/template_system/tags/api/set_wwwfile_content.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/17 23:06 by svanderclock