The <#input> tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. it's will produce an html <input> tag. <#input> elements are used within a <#form> element to declare input controls that allow users to input data.
The main difference between <input> and <#input> is that the value of the <input> constructed via <#input> will be taken from the GET/POST params or via the custom variables.
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
Quotechar | No | ” | The Quote char (” or ') to use for the parameters |
Format | No | The format to use to formatting the value (see format) | |
ThousandSeparator | No | The Thousand Separator to use when formating the value | |
Decimalseparator | No | The decimal separator to use when formating the value | |
Value | No | if not set, value will be taken from the GET/POST params or via the custom variables | |
Default | No | Use default if value is empty | |
Form_name | No | Take value from GET/post params or custom variables only if the variable ak__form_name is equal to form_name | |
ConvertCurrency | No | convert the value/default from one currency to another. format: from=xxx;to=yyy | |
AnalyzeTagParams | No | True | Analyze all params before to call the function (see AnalyzeTagParams) |
... | All standard HTML input paramaters (like name, onclick, etc.) will be put in the result |
<#input type="radio" name="myInput" id="myInputId" value=1 default onclick="MyInputClick(1)" form_name="aFormName">
The above example will output:
With GET/post variables or custom variables:
* AK__form_name=aFormName
* myInput=1
<input type="radio" name="myInput" id="myInputId" value="1" checked="checked" onclick="MyInputClick(1)">