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The <#input> tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. it's will produce an html <input> tag. <#input> elements are used within a <#form> element to declare input controls that allow users to input data.

The main difference between <input> and <#input> is that the value of the <input> constructed via <#input> will be taken from the GET/POST params or via the custom variables.


Name Mandatory Default Description
Quotechar No The Quote char (” or ') to use for the parameters
Format No The format to use to formatting the value (see format)
ThousandSeparator No The Thousand Separator to use when formating the value
Decimalseparator No The decimal separator to use when formating the value
Value No if not set, value will be taken from the GET/POST params or via the custom variables
Default No Use default if value is empty
Form_name No Take value from GET/post params or custom variables only if the variable ak__form_name is equal to form_name
ConvertCurrency No convert the value/default from one currency to another. format: from=xxx;to=yyy
AnalyzeTagParams No True Analyze all params before to call the function (see AnalyzeTagParams)
... All standard HTML input paramaters (like name, onclick, etc.) will be put in the result


 <#input type="radio" name="myInput" id="myInputId" value=1 default onclick="MyInputClick(1)" form_name="aFormName">

The above example will output:

 With GET/post variables or custom variables:
 * AK__form_name=aFormName
 * myInput=1
 <input type="radio" name="myInput" id="myInputId" value="1" checked="checked" onclick="MyInputClick(1)">
en/public/developer/template_system/tags/htmlinput/input.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/22 16:35 by svanderclock