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List of template system tags

Generic Parameters

This are generic parameters to functions call. Ex <#myString lowercase=1>

Syntax Type Context Description
AnalyzeTagParams parameter all tags Analyze all params before to call a function
Base64Encode parameter all tags Base64 encode the returning value
Default parameter all tags Return default if the returning value is empty
Checksum parameter all tags Return checksum of the returning value
ConvertCurrency parameter all tags Return the currency converted
CurrencyString parameter Format The currency string to use when formating the value
Format parameter all tags Format the returning value
ThousandSeparator parameter Format The thousand separator to use when formating the value
Decimalseparator parameter Format The decimal separator to use when formating the value
TrueStr parameter Format The TrueStr to use when formating the value
FalseStr parameter Format The FalseStr to use when formating the value
JsEncode parameter all tags Javascript encode the returning value
HexEncode parameter all tags Hex encode the returning value
HtmlEncode parameter all tags Html encode the returning value
HttpEncode parameter all tags Http encode the returning value
Lowercase parameter all tags Lowercase the returning value
MaxChars parameter all tags the maximum number of chars to output
MaxcharsTruncStr parameter all tags use only with maxchars. specify the end string when output was truncated
NoOutput parameter all tags return empty string
PreserveNullStr parameter all tags Do not replace null result by an empty string
SentenceCase parameter all tags First letter of the sentence capitalized, all others lower case
StripHtmlTags parameter all tags remove all html tags from the output
SetValue parameter all tags Set a value to a custom var
TitleCase parameter all tags First letter of each word is capitalized, the rest are lower case
Trim parameter all tags Trims leading and trailing spaces and control characters from a string.
UpperCase parameter all tags Uppercase the returning value
XmlEncode parameter all tags XML/XHTML encode the returning value

Analytics tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#Analytics_Tracker> var (TAnalytics_Tracker) anywhere analytics Tracker object

Api functions

All of these Api functions can return result in JSON_Response_Format or in REST_Response_Format

Syntax Type Context Description
<#Add_lead> Function anywhere API Function to add lead in the database
<#Share_url_by_email> Function anywhere API Function to share an URL by email
<#Contact_us> Function anywhere API Function to contact us by email
<#Get_contacts> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve list of a contacts
<#Get_contact> Function anywhere API Function to get details of a contact
<#Set_contact> Function anywhere API Function to add or update a contact
<#Get_GeoPlaces> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve list of geo places
<#Get_GeoPlace> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve detail of one geo place
<#Get_Object_Ids> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve list of object ids via keywords
<#Set_prospect> Function anywhere API Function to add or update a prospect
<#Get_wwwfile_content> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve the raw content of a template file
<#Set_wwwfile_content> Function anywhere API Function to set the raw content of a template file
<#Get_wwwfile_logs> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve the logs of a template file
<#Get_lookuplist_content> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve the items of a lookup list
<#Set_lookuplist_content> Function anywhere API Function to set the items of a lookup list
<#Delete_lookuplist_content> Function anywhere API Function to delete an item of a lookup list
<#Get_pageCfg_content> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve the raw content of the page configuration
<#Set_pageCfg_content> Function anywhere API Function to set the raw content of the page configuration
<#Get_urlResources_content> Function anywhere API Function to retrieve the raw content of the url resources file
<#Set_urlResources_content> Function anywhere API Function to set the raw content of a the url resources file
<#Register> Function anywhere API Function to register a new user
<#Password_recovery> Function anywhere API Function reset the password
<#Login> Function anywhere API Function to login
<#Logout> Function anywhere API Function to logout

Authentication functions

Syntax Type Context Description
<#google_oauth2callback> Function anywhere Handle the google Oauth 2 callback
<#facebook_oauth2callback> Function anywhere Handle the facebook Oauth 2 callback
<#windowslive_oauth2callback> Function anywhere Handle the windowslive Oauth 2 callback
<#yahoo_oauth1authorization> Function anywhere Handle the yahoo Oauth 1 authorization popup
<#yahoo_oauth1callback> Function anywhere Handle the yahoo Oauth 2 callback

debug tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#AdminLog_Enabled> function anywhere If the engine is build with admin log
<#Beta_Enabled> function anywhere If the engine is build for “beta”
<#Debug_Enabled> function anywhere If the engine is build in “debug” mode
<#Debug_TimeTaken> function anywhere the total time taken of the current request
<#Debug_Templates_Used> var (TStringList) anywhere The list of templates used by the current request
<#Debug_Templates> var (TStringList) anywhere The list of all the templates
Syntax Type Context Description
<#contact> var (TContact) anywhere Retrieve the details of one contact
<#contacts> var (TContacts) anywhere Retrieve the details of several contacts
<#user> var (TContact) anywhere Retrieve the details of current web user

Error tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#error_message> var (string) Error template Error message
<#error_btn_back_url> var (string) Error template Url of the back button
<#error_btn_back_method> var (string) Error template Method to use for the back action
<#error_btn_back_post_params> var (TStringList) Error template Params of the back action if it's a post method

Expression tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#abs> function anywhere return the absolute value of an expression
<#calc> function anywhere Calculator to evaluate expression
<#caseof> function anywhere Case of statement
<#for> function anywhere for statement
<#break> function anywhere break a loop
<#if> function anywhere IF statement
<#php> function anywhere Execute arbitrary PHP code
<#while> function anywhere while statement
Syntax Type Context Description
<#Geoplace> var (TGeoPlace) anywhere Retrieve the details of one geo place
<#Geoplaces> var (TGeoPlaces) anywhere Retrieve the details of several geo places

Head element tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#Doctype> function anywhere The HTML <!DOCTYPE> Declaration
<#isChromeBrowser> function anywhere Return 1 if the browser is Chrome
<#isIEBrowser> function anywhere Return 1 if the browser is IE
<#isFirefoxBrowser> function anywhere Return 1 if the browser is Firefox
<#isSafariBrowser> function anywhere Return 1 if the browser is Safari
<#isOperaBrowser> function anywhere Return 1 if the browser is Opera
<#Meta_Title> function anywhere Return the <title>…</title> element
<#Meta_Description> function anywhere Return the <meta description=””> element
<#Meta_Keywords> function anywhere Return the <meta keywords=””> element
<#Meta_Robots> var (TMeta_Robots) anywhere Return the <meta name=“robots” content=”…”> element
<#Meta_Pagination> var (TMeta_Pagination) anywhere the link rel=“next” and rel=“prev”
<#OpenGraph> var (TOpenGraph) anywhere the list of meta used by the open graph protocole
<#RssLinks> var (TRsslinks) anywhere The list of rss links of the current document
<#StyleSheets> var (TStyleSheets) anywhere The list of stylesheets used by the document
<#JavaScripts> var (TJavaScripts) anywhere The list of javascripts used by the document
<#ExtraHeaders> var (TExtraHeaders) anywhere Return the list of extra headers to add in the current document

HTML input tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#button> var (Tbutton) anywhere Create an HTML button
<#currencyedit> var (TCurrencyEdit) anywhere Create a currency input
<#dateedit> var (TDateEdit) anywhere Create a date input
<#form> function anywhere The equivalent of the html <form> tag
<#input> function anywhere The equivalent of the html <input> tag
<#minmaxdropdown> var (Tminmaxdropdown) anywhere Create a min/max dropdown input
<#selectdropdown> var (Tselectdropdown) anywhere Create a dropdown input
<#multiselectdropdown> var (Tmultiselectdropdown) anywhere Create a multiselect dropdown input
<#select> function anywhere The equivalent of the html <select> tag
<#textarea> function anywhere The equivalent of the html <textarea> tag
Syntax Type Context Description
<#Breadcrumbs> var (TBreadcrumbs) anywhere Create a breadcrumb trail navigation aid
<#Menu> var (TMenu) anywhere Create a menu

Miscellaneous tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#AMRequest> var (TStringList) anywhere The parsed values of the POST/GET data
<#APPVersion> function anywhere Return the version of the template system
<#Frame> function anywhere Return content from template or tag result
<#Script> function anywhere Compress JavaScript
<#Mobile> function anywhere Return 1 if mobile version or 0 if desktop version
<#Now> function anywhere Return the current date with time
<#Path_Templates> function anywhere Return the templates directory path info
<#Path_Cfg> function anywhere Return the CFG directory path info
<#Random> function anywhere Return a random number
Syntax Type Context Description
<#Page_Cfg> var (TXMLNode) anywhere Return the configuration xml of the current page
<#Page_Title> function anywhere Return the title of the current page
<#Page_Name> function anywhere Return the name of the current page
<#Page_Id> function anywhere Return the id of the current page
Syntax Type Context Description
<#Promotions> var (TPromotions) anywhere To construct the list of promotional boxes for a given space
Syntax Type Context Description
<#property> var (TProperty) anywhere Retrieve the details of one property
<#properties> var (TProperties) anywhere Retrieve the details of several properties
Syntax Type Context Description
<#propertyalert> var (TPropertyalert) anywhere Retrieve the details of one property alert
<#propertyalerts> var (TPropertyalerts) anywhere Retrieve the details of several property alerts
Syntax Type Context Description
<#prospect> var (Tprospect) anywhere Retrieve the details of one prospect
<#prospects> var (Tprospects) anywhere Retrieve the details of several prospects
Syntax Type Context Description
<#activity> var (Tactivity) anywhere Retrieve the details of one activity
<#activities> var (Tactivities) anywhere Retrieve the details of several activities

Repository tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#const> function anywhere retrieve const value hard coded in the template system engine
<#Language> function anywhere Return the current language
<#Languages> var (TLanguages) anywhere list of all the available languages
<#Currency_Code> function anywhere Return the currency code of the current session
<#Currency_Symbol> function anywhere Return the currency symbol of the current session
<#Currency_Label> function anywhere Return the currency label of the current session
<#Currency_format> function anywhere Return currency symbol placement and separation
<#SurfaceUnit_label> function anywhere Return the surface unit label (sqm of sqf) of the current session
<#LengthUnit_label> function anywhere Return the length unit label (meter of feet) of the current session
<#ThousandSeparator> function anywhere Return the current Thousand Separator
<#DecimalSeparator> function anywhere Return the current Decimal Separator
<#MeasurementSystem> function anywhere Return the Measurement System of the current session
<#MeasurementSystem_label> function anywhere Return the Measurement System label of the current session
<#Month_title> function anywhere Return the title of the month
<#LookupValues> var (TLookupValues) anywhere Return a values of some lookup values list
Syntax Type Context Description
<#Client_Ip> function anywhere retrieve the ip of the current user
<#Client_id_Country> function anywhere retrieve the id of the country of the current user
<#Client_id_GeoPlace> function anywhere retrieve the id of the geoplace of the current user
Syntax Type Context Description
<#forum_lastthreads> function anywhere returns the list of recently updated forum topics

String manipulation tags

Syntax Type Context Description
<#datacache> function anywhere To cache data in memory
<#format> function anywhere to format values
<#frame> function anywhere to include the content of another templates
<#guid> function anywhere return a GUID
<#nullstr> function anywhere Return a null string
<#pos> function anywhere Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring within a string
<#randomstr> function anywhere return a random string
<#section> function anywhere Define section inside the html
<#stringreplace> function anywhere Replaces occurrences of a substring within a string.
Syntax Type Contex Description
<#Http_Method> function anywhere Return the HTTP method (GET or POST) of the current request
<#Https_On> function anywhere Return 1 if the current request is secure
<#WebRequest> var (twebrequest) anywhere Return http web response object
<#WebResponse> var (twebresponse) anywhere Return http web request object
Syntax Type Contex Description
<#BaseHref> function anywhere Return the base URL/target for all relative URLs
<#StaticBaseHref> function anywhere Return the base URL/target for all relative URLs that point to static documents
<#Url> function anywhere Return the current url or the url assigned to a given ID
<#UrlInfos> var (TUrlInfos) anywhere Return the infos extracted from the current url

List of reserved variables

Reserved Get/Post Parameters

Name Description
ak_Session_id The current session ID
ak_Currency_code The currency code to use for the response
ak_MeasurementSystem The measuremen system to use for the response
ak_Login Login of the user
ak_Pwd Password of the user
ak_Stayconnected Auto login the user
ak_lpkey Encrypted credential
ak_Logout Logout the user
ak_version The version of the Arkadia Script engine
ak_no_datacache ignore all datacache
Name Description
ak_Session_id The current session ID
ak_Currency_code The currency code to use for the response
ak_MeasurementSystem The measuremen system to use for the response
ak_Language The language to use for the response
ak_lpkey Encrypted credential
ak_Source The source of the user

Reserved HTTP Headers

Name Description
X-AK-Language The language to use for the response
X-AK-Mobile Use mobile version for the response
X-AK-Whitelabel-PartnerID The ID of the whitelabel partner
en/public/developer/template_system/tags/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/22 15:45 by svanderclock