This are generic parameters to functions call. Ex <#myString lowercase=1>
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
AnalyzeTagParams | parameter | all tags | Analyze all params before to call a function |
Base64Encode | parameter | all tags | Base64 encode the returning value |
Default | parameter | all tags | Return default if the returning value is empty |
Checksum | parameter | all tags | Return checksum of the returning value |
ConvertCurrency | parameter | all tags | Return the currency converted |
CurrencyString | parameter | Format | The currency string to use when formating the value |
Format | parameter | all tags | Format the returning value |
ThousandSeparator | parameter | Format | The thousand separator to use when formating the value |
Decimalseparator | parameter | Format | The decimal separator to use when formating the value |
TrueStr | parameter | Format | The TrueStr to use when formating the value |
FalseStr | parameter | Format | The FalseStr to use when formating the value |
JsEncode | parameter | all tags | Javascript encode the returning value |
HexEncode | parameter | all tags | Hex encode the returning value |
HtmlEncode | parameter | all tags | Html encode the returning value |
HttpEncode | parameter | all tags | Http encode the returning value |
Lowercase | parameter | all tags | Lowercase the returning value |
MaxChars | parameter | all tags | the maximum number of chars to output |
MaxcharsTruncStr | parameter | all tags | use only with maxchars. specify the end string when output was truncated |
NoOutput | parameter | all tags | return empty string |
PreserveNullStr | parameter | all tags | Do not replace null result by an empty string |
SentenceCase | parameter | all tags | First letter of the sentence capitalized, all others lower case |
StripHtmlTags | parameter | all tags | remove all html tags from the output |
SetValue | parameter | all tags | Set a value to a custom var |
TitleCase | parameter | all tags | First letter of each word is capitalized, the rest are lower case |
Trim | parameter | all tags | Trims leading and trailing spaces and control characters from a string. |
UpperCase | parameter | all tags | Uppercase the returning value |
XmlEncode | parameter | all tags | XML/XHTML encode the returning value |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#Analytics_Tracker> | var (TAnalytics_Tracker) | anywhere | analytics Tracker object |
All of these Api functions can return result in JSON_Response_Format or in REST_Response_Format
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#Add_lead> | Function | anywhere | API Function to add lead in the database |
<#Share_url_by_email> | Function | anywhere | API Function to share an URL by email |
<#Contact_us> | Function | anywhere | API Function to contact us by email |
<#Get_contacts> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve list of a contacts |
<#Get_contact> | Function | anywhere | API Function to get details of a contact |
<#Set_contact> | Function | anywhere | API Function to add or update a contact |
<#Get_GeoPlaces> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve list of geo places |
<#Get_GeoPlace> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve detail of one geo place |
<#Get_Object_Ids> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve list of object ids via keywords |
<#Set_prospect> | Function | anywhere | API Function to add or update a prospect |
<#Get_wwwfile_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve the raw content of a template file |
<#Set_wwwfile_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to set the raw content of a template file |
<#Get_wwwfile_logs> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve the logs of a template file |
<#Get_lookuplist_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve the items of a lookup list |
<#Set_lookuplist_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to set the items of a lookup list |
<#Delete_lookuplist_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to delete an item of a lookup list |
<#Get_pageCfg_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve the raw content of the page configuration |
<#Set_pageCfg_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to set the raw content of the page configuration |
<#Get_urlResources_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to retrieve the raw content of the url resources file |
<#Set_urlResources_content> | Function | anywhere | API Function to set the raw content of a the url resources file |
<#Register> | Function | anywhere | API Function to register a new user |
<#Password_recovery> | Function | anywhere | API Function reset the password |
<#Login> | Function | anywhere | API Function to login |
<#Logout> | Function | anywhere | API Function to logout |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#google_oauth2callback> | Function | anywhere | Handle the google Oauth 2 callback |
<#facebook_oauth2callback> | Function | anywhere | Handle the facebook Oauth 2 callback |
<#windowslive_oauth2callback> | Function | anywhere | Handle the windowslive Oauth 2 callback |
<#yahoo_oauth1authorization> | Function | anywhere | Handle the yahoo Oauth 1 authorization popup |
<#yahoo_oauth1callback> | Function | anywhere | Handle the yahoo Oauth 2 callback |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#AdminLog_Enabled> | function | anywhere | If the engine is build with admin log |
<#Beta_Enabled> | function | anywhere | If the engine is build for “beta” |
<#Debug_Enabled> | function | anywhere | If the engine is build in “debug” mode |
<#Debug_TimeTaken> | function | anywhere | the total time taken of the current request |
<#Debug_Templates_Used> | var (TStringList) | anywhere | The list of templates used by the current request |
<#Debug_Templates> | var (TStringList) | anywhere | The list of all the templates |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#error_message> | var (string) | Error template | Error message |
<#error_btn_back_url> | var (string) | Error template | Url of the back button |
<#error_btn_back_method> | var (string) | Error template | Method to use for the back action |
<#error_btn_back_post_params> | var (TStringList) | Error template | Params of the back action if it's a post method |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#abs> | function | anywhere | return the absolute value of an expression |
<#calc> | function | anywhere | Calculator to evaluate expression |
<#caseof> | function | anywhere | Case of statement |
<#for> | function | anywhere | for statement |
<#break> | function | anywhere | break a loop |
<#if> | function | anywhere | IF statement |
<#php> | function | anywhere | Execute arbitrary PHP code |
<#while> | function | anywhere | while statement |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#Geoplace> | var (TGeoPlace) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of one geo place |
<#Geoplaces> | var (TGeoPlaces) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of several geo places |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#Doctype> | function | anywhere | The HTML <!DOCTYPE> Declaration |
<#isChromeBrowser> | function | anywhere | Return 1 if the browser is Chrome |
<#isIEBrowser> | function | anywhere | Return 1 if the browser is IE |
<#isFirefoxBrowser> | function | anywhere | Return 1 if the browser is Firefox |
<#isSafariBrowser> | function | anywhere | Return 1 if the browser is Safari |
<#isOperaBrowser> | function | anywhere | Return 1 if the browser is Opera |
<#Meta_Title> | function | anywhere | Return the <title>…</title> element |
<#Meta_Description> | function | anywhere | Return the <meta description=””> element |
<#Meta_Keywords> | function | anywhere | Return the <meta keywords=””> element |
<#Meta_Robots> | var (TMeta_Robots) | anywhere | Return the <meta name=“robots” content=”…”> element |
<#Meta_Pagination> | var (TMeta_Pagination) | anywhere | the link rel=“next” and rel=“prev” |
<#OpenGraph> | var (TOpenGraph) | anywhere | the list of meta used by the open graph protocole |
<#RssLinks> | var (TRsslinks) | anywhere | The list of rss links of the current document |
<#StyleSheets> | var (TStyleSheets) | anywhere | The list of stylesheets used by the document |
<#JavaScripts> | var (TJavaScripts) | anywhere | The list of javascripts used by the document |
<#ExtraHeaders> | var (TExtraHeaders) | anywhere | Return the list of extra headers to add in the current document |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#button> | var (Tbutton) | anywhere | Create an HTML button |
<#currencyedit> | var (TCurrencyEdit) | anywhere | Create a currency input |
<#dateedit> | var (TDateEdit) | anywhere | Create a date input |
<#form> | function | anywhere | The equivalent of the html <form> tag |
<#input> | function | anywhere | The equivalent of the html <input> tag |
<#minmaxdropdown> | var (Tminmaxdropdown) | anywhere | Create a min/max dropdown input |
<#selectdropdown> | var (Tselectdropdown) | anywhere | Create a dropdown input |
<#multiselectdropdown> | var (Tmultiselectdropdown) | anywhere | Create a multiselect dropdown input |
<#select> | function | anywhere | The equivalent of the html <select> tag |
<#textarea> | function | anywhere | The equivalent of the html <textarea> tag |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#Breadcrumbs> | var (TBreadcrumbs) | anywhere | Create a breadcrumb trail navigation aid |
<#Menu> | var (TMenu) | anywhere | Create a menu |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#AMRequest> | var (TStringList) | anywhere | The parsed values of the POST/GET data |
<#APPVersion> | function | anywhere | Return the version of the template system |
<#Frame> | function | anywhere | Return content from template or tag result |
<#Script> | function | anywhere | Compress JavaScript |
<#Mobile> | function | anywhere | Return 1 if mobile version or 0 if desktop version |
<#Now> | function | anywhere | Return the current date with time |
<#Path_Templates> | function | anywhere | Return the templates directory path info |
<#Path_Cfg> | function | anywhere | Return the CFG directory path info |
<#Random> | function | anywhere | Return a random number |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#Page_Cfg> | var (TXMLNode) | anywhere | Return the configuration xml of the current page |
<#Page_Title> | function | anywhere | Return the title of the current page |
<#Page_Name> | function | anywhere | Return the name of the current page |
<#Page_Id> | function | anywhere | Return the id of the current page |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#Promotions> | var (TPromotions) | anywhere | To construct the list of promotional boxes for a given space |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#property> | var (TProperty) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of one property |
<#properties> | var (TProperties) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of several properties |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#propertyalert> | var (TPropertyalert) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of one property alert |
<#propertyalerts> | var (TPropertyalerts) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of several property alerts |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#prospect> | var (Tprospect) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of one prospect |
<#prospects> | var (Tprospects) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of several prospects |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#activity> | var (Tactivity) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of one activity |
<#activities> | var (Tactivities) | anywhere | Retrieve the details of several activities |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#const> | function | anywhere | retrieve const value hard coded in the template system engine |
<#Language> | function | anywhere | Return the current language |
<#Languages> | var (TLanguages) | anywhere | list of all the available languages |
<#Currency_Code> | function | anywhere | Return the currency code of the current session |
<#Currency_Symbol> | function | anywhere | Return the currency symbol of the current session |
<#Currency_Label> | function | anywhere | Return the currency label of the current session |
<#Currency_format> | function | anywhere | Return currency symbol placement and separation |
<#SurfaceUnit_label> | function | anywhere | Return the surface unit label (sqm of sqf) of the current session |
<#LengthUnit_label> | function | anywhere | Return the length unit label (meter of feet) of the current session |
<#ThousandSeparator> | function | anywhere | Return the current Thousand Separator |
<#DecimalSeparator> | function | anywhere | Return the current Decimal Separator |
<#MeasurementSystem> | function | anywhere | Return the Measurement System of the current session |
<#MeasurementSystem_label> | function | anywhere | Return the Measurement System label of the current session |
<#Month_title> | function | anywhere | Return the title of the month |
<#LookupValues> | var (TLookupValues) | anywhere | Return a values of some lookup values list |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#Client_Ip> | function | anywhere | retrieve the ip of the current user |
<#Client_id_Country> | function | anywhere | retrieve the id of the country of the current user |
<#Client_id_GeoPlace> | function | anywhere | retrieve the id of the geoplace of the current user |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#forum_lastthreads> | function | anywhere | returns the list of recently updated forum topics |
Syntax | Type | Context | Description |
<#datacache> | function | anywhere | To cache data in memory |
<#format> | function | anywhere | to format values |
<#frame> | function | anywhere | to include the content of another templates |
<#guid> | function | anywhere | return a GUID |
<#nullstr> | function | anywhere | Return a null string |
<#pos> | function | anywhere | Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring within a string |
<#randomstr> | function | anywhere | return a random string |
<#section> | function | anywhere | Define section inside the html |
<#stringreplace> | function | anywhere | Replaces occurrences of a substring within a string. |
Syntax | Type | Contex | Description |
<#Http_Method> | function | anywhere | Return the HTTP method (GET or POST) of the current request |
<#Https_On> | function | anywhere | Return 1 if the current request is secure |
<#WebRequest> | var (twebrequest) | anywhere | Return http web response object |
<#WebResponse> | var (twebresponse) | anywhere | Return http web request object |
Syntax | Type | Contex | Description |
<#BaseHref> | function | anywhere | Return the base URL/target for all relative URLs |
<#StaticBaseHref> | function | anywhere | Return the base URL/target for all relative URLs that point to static documents |
<#Url> | function | anywhere | Return the current url or the url assigned to a given ID |
<#UrlInfos> | var (TUrlInfos) | anywhere | Return the infos extracted from the current url |
Name | Description |
ak_Session_id | The current session ID |
ak_Currency_code | The currency code to use for the response |
ak_MeasurementSystem | The measuremen system to use for the response |
ak_Login | Login of the user |
ak_Pwd | Password of the user |
ak_Stayconnected | Auto login the user |
ak_lpkey | Encrypted credential |
ak_Logout | Logout the user |
ak_version | The version of the Arkadia Script engine |
ak_no_datacache | ignore all datacache |
Name | Description |
ak_Session_id | The current session ID |
ak_Currency_code | The currency code to use for the response |
ak_MeasurementSystem | The measuremen system to use for the response |
ak_Language | The language to use for the response |
ak_lpkey | Encrypted credential |
ak_Source | The source of the user |
Name | Description |
X-AK-Language | The language to use for the response |
X-AK-Mobile | Use mobile version for the response |
X-AK-Whitelabel-PartnerID | The ID of the whitelabel partner |